In a world of text messaging and social media, why is email marketing still such an important marketing channel for modern brands and businesses? Good question. Many young brands debate whether to invest in email marketing, so let’s start with a few important stats…

  • 60% of all emails are opened on phones, so it is a form of mobile marketing. Half of the world has an email address and 99% of email users check their email every day.
  • More than 8/10 people will open a welcome email and 22% of all marketing emails are opened within an hour of being sent.

Still wondering if your business should take advantage of the benefits of email marketing?

As the numbers have shown, there are some very compelling reasons to incorporate email into your engagement strategy for any lead or customer whose email address and interest you have already earned.

1) Email is the Easiest Channel to Target and Personalize

If you are looking to build a connection with your target audience, email is the single most customizable platform you have access to. Text messages are limited and social media platforms belong to someone else, but emails allow you to use the full scope of your personalization programs and strategies. You can send personalized offers, links, images, and even use a customer’s favorite colors in the layout through the latest email customization software to provide a truly tailored brand experience.

2) Email Marketing is the Best Use of Existing Leads and Customers

Emails are a primary way that qualified leads and new customers can connect to the brand. Through email campaigns, you have the opportunity to make the best use of these existing contacts instead of expending energy (and money) on seeking out new leads. Email campaigns allow you to reach out and build or rebuild customer relationships through email newsletters and appealing branded content.

3) Email Campaigns Nurture New Customer Relationships

If a customer or a lead has recently signed up with your brand, welcome emails are an excellent way to get them onboard and excited about their first or second order. Welcome email campaigns introduce each new customer to the full scope of your services, offer them their first special deals, and can lay the groundwork so they look forward to emails from your brand in the future. It opens a line of communication and can also help clients understand how to make the most of your brand’s own platform, features, and/or services.

4) Email Marketing Inspires Return Customers and Repeat Orders

Email is also excellent for re-engaging previous customers. If someone makes an order and then disappears for a few months, a re-engagement email with a special offer can inspire return business, repeat orders, and rebuild that customer relationship. The right email campaigns for your brand can bring back seasonal customers, turn one-time customers into regular customers, and even win referrals.

5) Email Newsletters Maintain Customer Engagement

Some brands start a very successful email newsletter sharing information, offers, and stories that your customer base has a consistent interest in. A newsletter with a high open rate is a great way to maintain a connection with your customers and leads, while also ensuring that the majority of your emails sent are not promotional in nature.

Depending on your brand and audience, the right email newsletter sent weekly or monthly can be a welcome and even anticipated email that builds your brand reputation and positively inclines customers to open other emails from your brand, as well.

6) Email Announcements Increase Event Participation

If your brand is throwing a live or virtual event, you want to spread the news. While announcements on social media have a certain reach, an email announcement will make sure every one of your existing customers and leads are aware of fun opportunities around the corner. Whether you’re hosting a raffle, an art contest, or a party for everyone to attend, emails consistently increase event participation across the board.

7) Email Marketing Builds on Publicity Campaigns and Partnerships

Are you building brand awareness through publicity campaigns and advertising partnerships? Branding partners, influencers, online events, and social media discussions are all ways to build your list of leads, but email makes sure that the first sensational point of contact is not the last. As soon as someone signs up with their email address, they can be quickly onboarded into the main body of your customer base through event-tailored welcome emails and  an invitation to the newsletter.

Get Started with Email Marketing for Your Brand

If your brand is not yet using email marketing, it’s never too late to start. Brillity Digital can help you dive into the world of welcome emails, email campaigns, and email newsletters to better engage your existing audience and start cultivating a stronger customer relationship with both old and new customers on your email list. Contact us today to learn more.

About the Author

Josh Stess

Josh Stess

Josh Stess is our Paid Search Specialist. He specializes in all major paid search channels, including Google Ads, Bing Ads, and LinkedIn Ads. He has successfully managed campaigns worth tens of thousands of dollars with incredible results.